What rules do sissy mistresses set for their sissies?
What rules do sissy mistresses set for their sissies?
Blog Article
If you’re unfamiliar with the world of sissy mistresses, then you might be surprised to know that some sissies have an array of rules laid out for them by their mistresses. From dressing in a certain way, to behaving in a specific manner, sissies often have various expectations they must abide by when in the presence of their mistresses.
To begin, sissy mistresses may set rules on the way they want their sissies to dress. This could range from having to wear clothes of a certain color or wearing a particular style of clothing and/or outfit. Sometimes, sissies may even be asked to wear clothing, such as dresses or corsets, that are more typically thought of as being meant for a female. Moreover, depending on the sissy’s mistress, they might be required to wear makeup and/or high-heeled shoes when out in public.
Another rule a sissy mistress may set is one that has to do with the way they speak and communicate. This could mean speaking in a higher or more feminine-sounding voice when the sissy is around their mistress, or using certain language and words that their mistress deems acceptable to use. Certain accents and manners of speech may even be forbidden in order to prevent the sissy from speaking in a way the mistress finds less than satisfactory.
Some sissy mistresses might even have a set of rules that involve how the sissy behaves and acts while in their presence. This could include specific tasks the sissy has to complete such as chores around the house, or it could involve learning and abiding by the mistress’ preferences in regards to topics of conversation. Moreover, the sissy may be required to kneel down when in the same room as the mistress, and address her in a certain manner and way.
These are just some of the rules sissy mistresses tend to set for their sissies. As this is an incredibly diverse lifestyle, these rules may differ from mistress to mistress, so it’s important that anyone thinking of becoming a sissy be sure to communicate with their mistress beforehand and know the exact expectations she has for them!What tips can someone give for having successful conversations in a live femdom chat?When it comes to successful conversations in a live Femdom chat, many people are at a loss. After all, this form of digital communication is relatively new and there isn’t a lot of advice out there. Luckily, after talking with some experienced users of these chats, we’ve come up with some tried and true tips to help make sure your chat stays on track and productive.
First and foremost, remember to be respectful. Always keep a friendly tone and don’t forget to be courteous and considerate when speaking. Try to find common ground with the other persons opinion or position, and don’t be afraid to vocalize your own opinion as well.
Second, be prepared. Take some time to do a bit of research on whatever topic you’re discussing, or if it’s a certain event or topic related to Femdom, make sure you’re familiar with it before entering the chat. This will help you sound knowledgeable and come across as an interesting conversationalist.
Third, don’t be afraid to take a few risks. It’s okay and expected for the conversations within a Femdom chat to be a bit more risque and provocative than a regular everyday conversation. As long as you respect the boundaries that have been set by your fellow chatters, let your inhibitions run wild and discuss whatever interests you!
Fourth, be patient. Chances are you won’t find the exact conversation you’re looking for right away and it may take some time to find the type of person or people that suit your chat preferences. Don’t get discouraged if the conversations seem to be dry or uneventful at times; just keep the conversation flowing and try to engage as many people as possible.
And finally, listen well. Being a good listener can make all the difference in a conversation! By actively listening to what other people have to say, you can make sure that the conversation is productive and maintain a respectful dialogue.
By following these tips, you’ll be sure to have successful and productive conversations in a live Femdom chat. So set aside some time, brush up on your knowledge of the subject, and start conversing!